Thursday, January 15, 2009

Pills R Us - American Art

“Pills R Us” is a whole bunch of expired pills sealed into epoxy resin. One day I was cleaning up the kitchen and found bottles of expired and forgotten medicines. I poured them into a bucket and mixed them, they looked so pretty in American way. Sealing them up with resin took a lot of layering of resin because large amount of resin causes overheating and would melt some of the pills and I couldn’t do it in one shot. Overheated resin causes bubbles inside the resin and also occasionally resin itself start boiling itself, which is very scary.   After I made this while back ago, I am hooked on sealing objects into resin. Today's culture, myself included, is full of waste. I am enjoying this gloomy economy because I no longer buy things I don't need and somehow it feels good to cut the waste.