I would carry the dictionary with me at all times when I came to the States in 1992. My English was too poor to carry out conversations. It is now 2009, and things have changed. Miraculously I now speak English, although I can’t quite read English. Also, all dictionaries are in a small pocket electric dictionary and Internet provides free dictionaries and translations.
When my dictionary retired, I couldn’t quite throw it away, as a sense of attachment grew. I wanted to utilize the dictionary pages as part of artworks. But I didn’t know how. So I applied for a local grant to pay for a collage workshop. I suppose it was extraordinary to have gotten that grant because I had been an artist for less than a year then. In any event I got the grant, and I flew to Washington State to attend the workshop.
Work of collage is addictive. Time has passed, and I still do it. But now I have accumulated skills, techniques, and tricks, so I do it swiftly now.
This piece on the photo was a commissioned work for a deceased cat of my client. The cat’s name was “Pixel.” I found the page of “pixel” on the dictionary and used it. The composition was based on the hair pattern of the cat, Pixel.