This is a list of things I am doing to cut expenses to survive these days.
“Add It Up” formally know as “Bank of America Mall”
This is for Bank of America account holders. When you shop online you can access your favorite online stores from “Add It Up” account. By using Bank of America debit or credit cards, cash back will be added to your checking account. For instance, I just placed an order at with a total of $75.76. This particular retail store is set to be 8% cash back, so I get $6.06. It may not be much of cash by itself, but imagine you use this each time you shop you can save hundreds of dollars over time.
Costco Account
I recently bought a Costco membership. Since I live alone, the use of the huge sizes of Costco merchandise can be tricky. That being said, I could use some discount by buying in bulk. Toilet papers, kitchen towels (I need this for my art works), drinking water, cat food that are eaten by wild peacocks, wild opossums, cats, and other birds, and other items. Oh, I bought a package of HP printer's cartridges that were much cheaper than buying them at any other place.
Farmer’s Market
I’ve been showing and selling my art at local farmer’s markets and I barter with a vegetable and fruit vendor who loves my art but cannot afford it. I gave the vendor a piece of art that she was dying to get but couldn’t afford, and she gave me a “vegetable/fruits credit.” We have a log book of how much value of vegetable and fruits I am taking home each week. Some of organic foods are expensive, but now I can get those because of the credit. I am cutting vegetable/fruits expenses this way, and the vendor got the art she really wanted to own. I am eating much more vegetables and fruits due to this bartering.
Fine Art Products Made of Free Materials
I now use recycled materials instead of buying art supplies like I used to do. Then I reduce the price to match the current poor consumer confidence. The posted photo is the one of my "stimulus package art" works. I made three of these pink stuff last Thursday and I sold one of them on Saturday at a farmer's market. The buyer emailed me that she wants to buy the second one this Saturday.
What's your stimulus plan?