Monday, April 19, 2010

ULTIMATE FUNK --- resin sculpture


I always feel uncomfortable when I have to show funky junky that I made. I usually try not to show it to people for a while, but when I eventually show it, I would first put it in a corner so people wouldn't notice it. I just feel more comfortable showing and selling my “neat” works. 

My experience with selling my art, however, differs from my feeling towards my funky art. No matter how much I want to hide the funky stuff, I’ve sold quite a few of them. If you think funky people like the funky stuff, you're  wrong. All the buyers of the funky stuff were all “neat” looking people with non-funky outfits. I've sold the weirdest looking things in the past years to those people. 

I don’t even photograph many of them before they are sold because I don’t expect anyone would buy the funky stuff. But today,  I've decided to overcome this reluctant feeling toward my funky stuff. Just because I don’t like something doesn’t mean no one else likes it. I really don’t understand the mentality of those who “pay” to get funky stuff, but I am beginning to think that I might be good at funky stuff. Actually, it’s not that I don’t like it; I just have a hard time calling it “fine art.” But now, when I think of it, these funkies might be the fine art and my other “neat” stuffs are “commercial” art .

Oh, well. I don’t care which is what. Whatever the reason may be, I made what I made and I can’t throw them away, so this is the new funk. In any event, I admit it’s a lot more fun to make the funky stuff than the “neat” stuff.

8 inches in diameter, and about 6 inches in height at the highest point. Approximately 5 pounds in weight. Produced in 2009 and finished up in 2010.