Thursday, December 30, 2010

The First Tentants' Show at American Steel in West Oakland
Words cannot describe what this place is about, and pictures cannot show what this place is actually like. I may not be working in this indescribable place, but I will never forget the most unusual place.  

Finally, we, the tenants of “American Steel Studios” -a place words and pictures cannot describe - finally put a show together on cold and wet December 18th and 19th, 2010.

I think it was a well put show with a good mixture, showcasing different fields of art and craftsmanship. It was cold and rainy, and due to not much of publicizing, the attendance was on a low side, but it was more important to do it, since we had been attempting to host a show for quite some time and it didn't actualize till this time. 
It was fun, hanging out with other artists for two days. I made 5 small sales over the two days.