Woody's Cafe: Oakland, California
I find showing at Woody's Cafe rewarding, not so much in a financial sense, but in the sense of serving the community. Diverse pool of people get to see my art instead of limiting viewers to the econo-socially privileged groups who can afford "fine art." I am proud to entertain the working class as well as being able to make some of my works affordable to them. This is all thanks to the Cafe's devotion to the community.
The show has been going well even before it started. While installing my work a few days before the show started, I made a sale. The piece didn't even make it to the wall. Since so many people liked it, I made another one, and it is available to see (and buy) at the Cafe.
The attendance was rather on the low side for the opening reception as the bad weather was indecisively bad in the Northern California standard. For someone from South Florida, it was not that bad at all. I find people in the Bay Area quite spoiled in terms of weather. The definition of "storm" here is very different from that of South Florida. In spite of the bad weather, I had a great time making new friends that day. I sold a few more on that night. (this and this and a few prints)
One sale is currently pending. Well, not exactly "pending." If no one buys this particular piece by the end of the show, the Cafe owner will buy it. He is generously letting others (and you) have a chance to buy it. You have until February 20 to buy this one. The Cafe doesn't do the transaction, so contact me if you think you deserve to have it and want to take care of it.